Book or website for admins


As an admin of windows environments, I have over 30 years of experience. I know what I need to do to setup an environment for Windows. I know the tricks and tips for things like making sure users documents are defaulted to a shared folder to make backup easier. Well I was wondering if someone could recommend a good book or website for learning how to properly administrate a Mac based network or even a mixed Mac and Windows network?

Thanks in advanced,
Tom have you searched the net yet? If you did you would have come across a web site DEDICATED to intergrading lone Macs into windows domains (running for years now) called Their reader reports have tips, tricks that are real life from system administrators doing exactly what you want to do.

Plus there is a book called Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Leopard Edition that will help you understand the Macs you will add.

[rant]It is amazing to me that so called system administrators ONLY know how to add only ONE kind of computer to a network. Many other kinds (Macs, Linux, Unix, BSD, etc.) of computer do exist and businesses are playing GREAT money to those who know ALL kinds of computers.[end rant]
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I'm going to play devil's advocate here. Sat, I think you're being a bit hard on the OP. Not all system administrators have the time to learn more than just the systems they need to support. While I do think that it is limiting oneself to a particular platform (and thus not being quite as marketable), not everyone can afford the ability to tinker especially when families come into play outside of work. For example, I've wanted to tinker more with FreeBSD and learn more about it, but I'm limited on the amount of time I can put into this outside of work because of family and other things (and work keeps me busy enough to try then). I still want to do it, but it will have to wait until I have the time to do so.

Still, your recommendations are exactly what I would have recommended. :)