Bookmark / Favorite Synchronization between Mac and Windows


Do any of you guys know if there are any software programs or paid services that will allow you to synchronize your bookmarks between IE, Netscape, etc.. on the same computer and also on another computer. I have used and I paid them $50 for the license so I could use it but there is no Mac OSX client and they simply will not answer my emails to them about when it will be available. I just want it to work automatically and without user intervention after installed.

Bookmarksync works great doing this but it only supports mac os9 and below.

Heath Pitts
AIM: dheathpitts
I just made a PHP script that puts my bookmarks into a text file on my server and then when i type in it's url i get my bookmarks displayed as an HTML page.

That way they are always there for me.

Yeah Bookmarksync does that but i really want a program just like bookmarksync except with an osx version. I like having the bookmarks in the program that I am using. I may have to use the os9 client fr bookmarksync, do the sync trick for os9 and x and then use a program that i have found to sync across all browsers in OSX.