Boot Camp Questions


Hi! This is our first post on this forum. Pleased to be here!

We have had a Mac Mini (PowerPC) for a long time and just recently got an iMac.

We have some questions about Boot Camp. Once Boot Camp is installed, are we allowed to (a) enlarge the Windows partition, and (b) install an external Hard Drive exclusively for the use of the Windows OS?

Thank you for any help,
Welcome to the forum.

Well, I've installed Boot Camp on an Intel Mac and played with it a little bit, but I haven't tried to resize the installation after it was done. I believe that Boot Camp will let you do it, but this is pure speculation on my part. As for the external hard drive, I don't see why it wouldn't work. Think that it's basically a dual-boot computer, so it should be viewable on both operating systems. However, be aware that if you want to write to it from both operating systems, you need to format it FAT/FAT32 and not NTFS, which is only writable in Windows operating systems.

Just remember that Boot Camp is still not final and won't be until Mac OS X 10.5, so backup your data before attempting this.