Boot Lion from External SSD


Today I booted Lion from an Intel SSD 320, 80GB external SSD. Wow, the speed is amazing! Mac Mini, i5, 8gb Ram. When I read about doing this I realized many people criticized booting an SSD from USB. Well, there are wrong. Super fast, now using internal 500GB drive as a backup.
Today I booted Lion from an Intel SSD 320, 80GB external SSD. Super fast, now using internal 500GB drive as a backup.
You still see a multiple factor speed increase if you switched the drives, SSD mounted internal as boot drive and 500GB external for backups.
Put the SSD on the fastest bus and give it a chance to live up to it's potential.
While the SSD will be perfectly able to fully use the speed of USB 2.0, that speed is probably well below what the SSD actually can accomplish. So yeah: Put that SSD _in_ the Mac mini and use the hard drive externally, like jbarley said.