Bootup issue.


How do I stop programs from loading on startup. I have looked in the preferances to no avail. I know there has to be a way being a newby to mac. I can do msconfig in windows Run to get to startup items on a PC. Is there a simular way on my IMac to stop startup items as well?
Look in Accounts PreferencePane Login Items



User/Library/StartupItems (If there)
Firefox, Yahoo Messenger and that darn AOHell messenger I have to have for work. I looked thru preferances ... that did no good.
Thank you BOBW but I was unable to find specific referances to those proggies starting from with in startup foler you directed me to, but still looking.
Now that I learned more on how to find things you referanced to bobw I finly found what you directed me to. It worked thank you for the help it worked perfectly. One day I hope to be one taht is able to give help here instead of always asking for it
Thank you both for your replys to my post !!!