British Military declares iPod a security risk

"With USB devices, if you plug it straight into the computer you can bypass passwords and get right on the system"

Is it just me, or does anyone else think that statement is ludicrous scare-mongering?
What worries me more is that the Ministry of Defence is running on Windows XP, and still trying to plug "fiddly" holes such as this.
I can see how this could be an issue, but then again, so could any external drive. Even CDRs for that matter. :rolleyes:
Seems to me that a giga thumb drive, which is small enough to palm and conceal, is a bigger threat. Of course as symphonix says, the biggest problem is the OS ;)
I would think they'd have their computers logged off and a person would have log on to do anything. Then, if their logged on, someone could see who was stealing stuff. ;) Or just write a program that doesn't allow devices to be mounted unless a password is entered first. All which aren't good ideas if you have a pissed of employee with access privileges.