Broadband Optimizer Updated

I dunno, Ed, using both the earlier release and this one, I get basically the same results with and without BBO on all speed tests that I run for my cable modem connection. But at least it doesn't do any harm.
Guess I shouldn't complain, though. A consistant ~ 2000 k/sec download rate ain't too bad.
well, my understanding is that it just executes a series of command lines that could be done from the terminal. i am sure lots of 'nix folks don't see the need or don't like it. i don't like the terminal so this kind of app is just what i am looking for. and it works for me. other people have documented increased performance as well. I don't know why result s seem to vary, but then why do lots of things vary from one mac to another. (rhetorical question - no need for explanations;) )
Well, I can't get it to work on my machine, but I did reconfigure settings in the terminal to what broadband optimizer sets.

I ran the line speed test from DSL reports both before and after.

Before I was getting roughly 200k up and 200k down.

After I was getting roughly 200k up and 400k down, so it apparently does SOMETHING...
I have had positive results using Broadband optimizer's earlier version on my custom configured T1/High-Speed wireless backup network a few months ago...

No noticable difference on the update... Anyone getting better speeds than the original version? I'd be interested to see benchmarks for this one.
Just reading through the explanation of what BBO did, I just adjusted the five parameters using Terminal listed in the BBO script file:

/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.sendspace=65536 > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.recvspace=65536 > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/sysctl -w kern.ipc.maxsockbuf=524288 > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0 > /dev/null
/usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.udp.recvspace=73728 > /dev/null

and got the following results from using the Linkline test connection::

Pre-tweaking (DL/UL):

1101 kbps/618 kbps

Post-tweaking (DL/UL):

2562 kbps/622 kbps

Can't complain too much about the results...


Originally posted by aluminum
Well, I can't get it to work on my machine, but I did reconfigure settings in the terminal to what broadband optimizer sets.

I ran the line speed test from DSL reports both before and after.

Before I was getting roughly 200k up and 200k down.

After I was getting roughly 200k up and 400k down, so it apparently does SOMETHING...
First time I've heard of that braodband optimizer, Ed. I have downed it for a tryout later, and I'll let you know if it speeds up my connection. :)