Broken battery on TiBook?


Well. I had an unsucsessfull attemt at using my ?Book in target disk mode, and accidentally unplugged it. Guess i shouldn?t have done that, because the screen went blank.

It was running on battery, and was completely dead after the blackout.

Hooked it onto the adapter, and managed to start it up. But the clock was reset to 1970.

Well. Now it seems that my battery is defect or something. Because it says that the battery is charged 100%, but if I unplug the power adapter it dies.

Anybody know what to do??
Do you get the startup chime at all when on battery-only? If so, you can try to zap pram (cmd-option-p-r at startup), and see if that helps.

But I get the impression that you don't even get that, so the only thing I can think of to try is to reset the PMU. It might be glitched into not understanding that a battery is attached for startup. Apple has instructions in the KB on how to do this. It's very important that you make sure that the battery is removed and that no external power is attached when you do this, though.

If that doesn't do it, you may have to give Apple a call. Not being able to power up while on battery is a fairly fundamental hardware issue (aside from the PMU reset) that may require their attention. Sorry.