Broken Links in PDF


Hello all,

I've got a PDF document (actually, several PDF documents, but for a single purpose) that contains information on various points in music with links to examples that should play when clicked.

The problem is, when I click on the links, nothing happens.

They are in a folder just beneath the folder that contains the PDFs and I can easily Spotlight for them and run them, but would prefer clicking on the link and getting them to run by themselves.

Is there anything I can do to make the links load themselves?

BTW - I'm opening the PDF in Preview. Links to pages seem to work fine, it's just the links to the music examples that don't seem to work. Should I be using Acrobat Reader instead?


Here's my experience with Preview. It's a little spotty when trying to view complex documents. Preview can view native Photoshop files to a certain degree, but if it's artwork that contains a ton of graphics or layers, then Preview will sometimes only view a few layers of the image. So if you view it in Preview, your artwork will look very different from the original.

I imagine this is the same for Preview. Preview is a program you can use to view files of many different formats. It'll have a problem when those files get a little more complex (like audio links). You should definitely use Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Professional instead. PDF is an Adobe file format by trade so you should have no problems in those programs unless there is an error of some kind with your link settings.
Hi, Greg,

Thanks for your input.

Much appreciated.

I was able to more or less do what I wanted to do with Preview.
