Broken screen=Broken hardrive?


I am doing this for the sake of my brother, who has a bit of a temper problem... A week ago I was watching him play a game he isn't too good at. He got frustrated and punched the screen, not too smart on his part. The LCD screen was still on but the picture was pretty much distorted to hell. It had cracks all over it that eventually started "internally bleeding". The next day we brought the computer to school and used a projector to print off files from the iBook for his classes. Afterwards we brought it to the school's iBook technician (yes, it was a school computer). After telling them what happened and having requested that more files be removed from the computer, we turned it in. She sent it to her technician and today I was informed that not only was the screen now a square frisbee, but the hardrive was toast.

Now how can that be? If we used an external screen to print out files afterthe screen was broken, then how is it possible that the hardrive is fried? Or is the technician (not an apple technician, I'm pretty sure) trying to BS us all out of more money than owed? And as a side question, how much would an iBook G4 screen normally cost?
If you booted up, then the hard drive worked. After that, something happened. As for cost, Apple charges $310 for replacement of a PB 15" screen ($210 flat rate repair, $100 labor). A 60 GB hard drive might run ~ $70?
i would but it I've been told that the hardrive was scrapped because it "bad blocks" and a new one was already put in. Nothing I can do there anymore... at least they're not making him pay for it though.