Browser displaying Hebrew/Arabic



does anybody know whether there's a browser for OS X that correctly displays Hebrew and/or Arabic ?
If so, what are the settings ?

Thank you

i could be way way off the mark here, but in mozilla under
View... Character Coding...More...Middle Eastern

there is something about Hebrew and Arabic.
i dont know if this is what you are talking about but i hope it helps
This seems to work ...somewhat. In Mozilla you can choose both Hebrew and Arabic. The characters aren't displayed 100% correctly but at least it's a start.
Thank you.

P.S. I'm dismayed to see Apple letting the world of journalism and science (humanities) down in terms of language support. It just isn't enough to have nice Japanese fonts. Apple's language support shifted from: "hey, there's no language we don't support" to "hey, that's a language we support"...

Hey over there at Apple, we want to use the Mac for <B>all</B> our writing/reading matters !