Brushed metal initiative


Hi, everyone:

I would like to start a lobby effort with Apple to include a preference in Panther to switch all brushed metal applications back to Aqua. I know the camps are divided as far as whether or not brushed metal is good or bad; this is not about that argument. This is about adding in a choice so that people who work with Mac OS X on a professional level, or people who just prefer the aqua look and feel can work with OS X the way they need to.

Apple added in the ability to turn the candy drop interface elements grey in Mac OS X after people complained during the beta process, so they do listen to their users if enough of them send feedback.

I propose that people who would like Apple to add this preference in send their feedback using Apple's feedback page:

Apple, add a preference to toggle brushed metal!

Again: I'm not saying that Apple should get rid of it completely. I'm just asking for the ability to switch back to aqua.

Please pass this around and post this to other forums, if you think it's worth spreading.

Originally posted by Giaguara
You do have the choice. :)
Yeah, try doing that to Finder (located in HD>System>Library>CoreServices in case you didn't know) in Jag. Doesn't work. What do you think would make it work in panther?

However, I was just wondering. I used a skin awhile ago, and I noticed that the brushed metal apps (aside from iTunes & Quicktime) had a slightly different look than the aqua apps. Could we theoretically make a skin that applied Aqua to everything (I know it wouldn't act like aqua, but still)?
It does not work for Finder, as finder is written in Carbon (so is itunes). Metallifizer works only for Cocoa apps.
if i rember corecly the iTunes innterface _should_ b aqua becuse its a cabon app. as far as i can recall /all/ carbon apps use the aqua interface unless its been 'hacked' as with itunes
To clarify: When referring to an application with an Aqua interface, I mean the way the Finder looks in 10.2: borderless, rounded title bar, etc. This is, naturally, different from the brushed metal interface. The interface for a Carbon application "shouldn't" be anything except what the programmers, um, program. I wouldn't accuse Apple of hacking a program like iTunes.
Originally posted by phatcactus
Apple does not want to give you a choice. They've made this very, very clear in the past.
What makes you say this? Do you have a quote from Steve?
A quote? No, I don't see why I'd have a quote from anyone. But do you see theme support in OS X?

Anyone else miss Kaleidoscope lately?
I actually have seen themes in OS X, though they are not Apple-endorsed. I wonder if they work in Panther. Replace brushed metal with something like steel wool!
For those who like themes and want them in OS X badly, here are my personal 2 best places:

There are themes for most tastes out there and if you follow 2-3 basic and easy to follow rules you will enjoy themes almost the same way with Kaleidoscope :rolleyes:

You can make OS X look even like Windows XP :eek: :p

No matter what your will read there here are my personal theme tools:
ThemePark (for creating your own themes)
All the above you can find them on the links above or even at:
Just run some searches and you will find what you are looking for ;)
Themes are available for OS X, yeah, but no matter how well done they are, they're all simply hacks of Aqua. :(

Max's themes ( ) are indeed some of the very best. I'm running Brushed right now.

Max says that themes are possible in Panther, but I think they might need to be updated a bit. he says he won't be updating his until Panther goes final.
What else is a theme in an OS? What are all the themes made for Kaleidoscope besides simply hacks of Platinum, or whatever <=7.6's GUI is called? I don't see any of these themes pasting new code over Apple's existing code.
I've gotta say - I tried a theme hack in Jaguar a few weeks back and it totally screwed my system. Had to do a clean re-install :(

Stick to the brushed metal! ;-)
I recently installed my first theme, and haven't had any problems. I used ThemeChanger 0.5 to install the theme Aqua Extreme, which looks almost exactly like the new toned down Aqua look in Panther.

It's really nice - much more subtle and softer on the eyes than the Jaguar version of Aqua.
It doesn't matter whether the Finder is Cocoa or not in Panther. It doesn't contain the Interface Builder files for the stuff that is Brushed Metal in Finder.

Fact is: Apple wants the Finder to be Brushed Metal, and the hack won't work with the Finder. Maybe someone will find a way, but up until now, there is none to make the Panther Finder look Aqua (or new Aqua, rather).

So: The question about choice is legit. However, as has been said, Apple doesn't seem keen to give that choice to the user.

It's a pity, because the 'new Aqua' is a really professional looking theme I can work with. BM in Finder makes me avoid it, which it obviously shouldn't, because the Finder is an integral part of my workflow.