Built-in Webserver accepting .htaccess


Wasn't quite sure where to put this so I'm sorry if I've placed it in the wrong section.

I've got a Mac here that's running the built in webserver as a website. It's running from /Library/WebServer/Documents. It's using all built-in programs and such AFAIK.

The problem I'm having is getting it to read .htaccess. I've set a number of redirects in it and it's certainly set right (works on my other server). It seems no matter what directory I put it in it completely ignores it. I've been reading a bit about a setting I need to Allow but I have yet to find anywhere I can edit ANY settings having to do with the webserver.

Anyone familiar with it and can point me in the right direction?

I appreciate any help.
Can you post the .htaccess file here ?
There are !so! many things that can go wrong in .htaccess files.
Also, please note that many redirects and file paths are *absolute* paths, which means that they'll have to be modified when you move settings from one machine to another.

Also, what's the server directory on the other computer ?