Burning a Bootable CD?


I was wondering how to burn a Bootable CD under OS 9.2.1..

I tried doing this with the built-in CD burner (burned the System Folder from the "Software Restore" CD that I got with my iMac), and a friend of mine said that you cant do it with Toast Titanium.

I dont know if you'll need this, but my I have an Iomega ZipCD burner... Any help would be greatly appreciated. My e-mail address is panic@twcny.rr.com *or* ryan.gov@roogroup.com ... both end up getting to me, but I dont know which one's faster.

Apple's disk burner does not burn bootable CDs and Toast beta for X will not either. Toast 5 Mac OS 9 does, though, so the full release of Toast for X will probably have it.

I don't know of any way to currently burn a bootable in X.
You can burn a bootable CD from within OS X, if you are copying an originally bootable CD, by using the Disk Copy application. You can do this from OS 9 if you use Disk Copy 6.5, which may still be in Beta.
I also have an Iomega ZIP CD, that came with limitied version of Toast 4. To make a bootable CDs, I actually had to create a new partition, that I use a staging area for making CDs. I put a blessed System Folder (and any other files I need) on this partitiion, and then burn the CD from there.
thanks. i finally found a guide to doing this with Toast Titanium, but I haven't tried it yet - my cd burner is so damn slow ;)
wow... we posted the messages at the same time. i guess you clicked post first, since my message is last.

yeah, mine came with Toast 4 too, but I ended up just getting titanium. i should bless my system folder before burning it too.
Don't forget that trying to burn an OS X bootable CD is an entirely different matter. For that Toast cannot do it yet. Try the Disk Copy method.
Any CD will be bootable if you just CD-Copy it, just drag the CD as a volume in Toast and it will be bootable ... No worries about that :-)

To burn a bootable in OSX Disk Copy would be the answer :-)

Hmm... there's a DiskCopy beta? I'll see if I can get this from versiontracker.com or downloads.com, or is it somewhere else?

Attached is the image my friend sent. It explains how to do it in OS 9 with Toast 5...



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There is a Disk Copy 6.5 beta out there which supports burning. You can find it via the usual means, most likely not versiontracker. Try ADC, Carracho, Hotline, you know ...