burnt audio cds having strange names

graeme rhodes

Im trying to burn an audio CD and it keeps coming up on the desktop when I reinsert it as "Queen" song (11th september).....Ive never had any Queen on my computer.....is this a known bug.

Im on a G4 powerbook, OSx10.3.9, Roxio toast lite 5.2.1.,Itunes 7.0.1
'... is this a known bug.' - I doubt it is a 'bug', let alone - a 'known bug'.

Audio CD's when inserted will first appear (labeled) as 'Audio CD', on the 'Desktop'.
Double-clicking on the 'Desktop' icon of the 'Audio CD' will result in a window with (audio track) files named '1 Audio Track.aiff' through 'x Audio Track.aiff', where 'x' is the number of the last file.

If 'iTunes' (or an equivalent application) is launched (prior to, or after the 'Audio CD' insertion), and its preferences are set accordingly - the application will search a known internet database ('Gracenote CDDB' with respect to 'iTunes') for the title of the CD and respective (audio track) files. If so, the CD (on the 'Desktop') and the title of its associated files are renamed.

It may just be, that the information obtained from the internet, based on the information obtain by the CD, is in error.

If your post applies, as an error in the 'Gracenote CDDB', via 'Gracenote's 'FAQ' link - one can submit 'edits or new entries'.
thankyou for shedding light on what to me is a mysterious event....it is unnerving when you burn a self recorded track onto a disc for someone and they ring you ranting because it comes up as "there's no place like hell" on their desktop.
As a reference note - my reply was based on certain assumptions. None of which considered personal audio recordings.

Why a personal audio recording is being labeled as "Queen" song (11th september) is a mystery to me.
it may be because the cddb goes off either embedded info on the inner ring of the cd, or off the total number of tracks and cd/song length. i think that being its a homemade cd, its using the second method, and just happen to match a cd's info that someone uploaded to the cddb (remember, you can upload cd info if its not found in the database, they do try to weed out non commersal cds, but always don't find them all)
Yeah I reckon theres a coincidental matching to something on the CDDB database.....I have followed the steps in itunes help for submitting a new listing to gracenote CDDB and for the moment it has eradicated the problem, i.e CDs now come up on desktop with name I have allocated to them.

thanks a million barhar.