Bush uses a Mac...

Clinton too - to think a little Mac was there for the whole Monica thing... I'm sure Clinton used it to download trashy porn and I bet GW would too, but he can't figure it out yet. Or maybe he did finally get it - too bad he was eating a pretzel at the time.
Bush probably got a dual processor quicksilver g4 with x 10.1.... what a waste of a mac!! :( :( :(
I would never have expected a Republican to use/own a Macintosh. Honestly, I was a little floored when I read this on Apple's "Myth" page. This begs the question: Why in the hell is M$ still ONE company and not TWO or THREE? M$ divided up would certainly be worth more than it is now. Especially from the perspective of a stock holder.
Hey I'm republican and I use nothing but Macs! Bush is sweet for using his Mac. Well, he's just sweet for that reason. I don't know about other ones.
Actually GW does not use a Mac - he uses a PC, but for an OS he is one of the few remaining people running Microsoft Bob 1.0.

Take a look at that desktop!


You know, it wouldn't take much to alter it to appear just like the Oval Office
and do you think it could be customized with an added feature to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea, Iraq and Iran? Maybe a clickable punching bag near the window would do it? This is why he couldn't be trusted to run a Mac with the "launcher."

While I'm on the Bob (off) topic, get a laugh of this article stating how Bob was ahead of its time!
