Button based finder


Marvelous Da Vinci
Staff member
Is it still possible to create a button based Finder ?

On OS 8 - 9 I loved to access all files with a single click instead of double-click. Is it still possible with OS-X ?
it's not exactly what I am looking for, but it may be part of it.

In OS 8 and 9 i was able to have by default all icons open on one click. Selection was made by click and drag to select the area. And as I open much more offen than I select...
Not possible in native OSX. You'll need some program to make it for you. The solution that stands closest at the Button View is the one pointed by substrate, AFAIK.
Thanks a lot guys, all very nice apps.

Not exactly what I am looking for, but it shows that developpers are still alive on OS-X.
I'd like to have that as a general navigation option.

Just click to open/lanch anywhere in the Finder.