Z zio_mangrovia Registered Apr 12, 2023 #1 Can you suggest me where to buy Apple parts for repairing Macbook, e.g. speakers ? I know only iFixit.com
Can you suggest me where to buy Apple parts for repairing Macbook, e.g. speakers ? I know only iFixit.com
Cheryl Rosie Moderator Staff member Mod Apr 13, 2023 #2 Here's a couple of them: Mac parts & repair http://www.powerbookmedic.com/ Apple Mac Upgrades https://eshop.macsales.com/ New Egg https://www.newegg.com/OWC/BrandStore/ID-82550 The BookYard https://www.thebookyard.com/newertech
Here's a couple of them: Mac parts & repair http://www.powerbookmedic.com/ Apple Mac Upgrades https://eshop.macsales.com/ New Egg https://www.newegg.com/OWC/BrandStore/ID-82550 The BookYard https://www.thebookyard.com/newertech