C++ ? Compiling

Do you know a replacement for the header file lvp\string.h? apparently the book I'm using at school is out of date or something. :(
Could you paste in the exact include statement? There's a string.h file, so I'm not certain why it isn't including properly...
#include Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include iostream.h>
#include lvp/string.h>

int main()

String name;
cout<<"Please enter your name"<<endl;

cout<<name<<" you are CRAZY!!!!";

OK well i thought you meant gcc that's not installed and g++ also isnt installed. When i try to compile using g++ it says it cant find it and suggests c++ but that doesn't compile the program correctly either. I've looked this program over a million times and i still can't find anything wrong with it. please help :-(
PB compiles and builds C++ code fine !! If you have PB installed, you MUST have gcc too... cc might not be a problem with such a simple code since it was installed in former versions of OSX instead of gcc. You should perhaps reinstall the developer tools...

To build a simple C++ application choose as "New Project" (in PB), a "C++ tool" then you will have a command-line executable.

To compile your code, #include \<string\> instead of \<lvp/string.h\> unless this file is a specific one but it is not in the include path gcc (or PB) looks at when it compiles (have a look at /usr/include directory).
You should also define "name" as a "string", not a "String".
Last thing, call "cout" like this: std::cout, std::cin... unless you call "using namespace std;" before the main.

I tried your code, it works well on my titanium box !

'hope this helps...
This is the code I'm trying to compile
I don't have any online storage so I'll just put it all on here.

* function.cpp
*this program demonstrates functions with arguments

#include Carbon/Carbon.h
#include iostream.h
#include stdio.h

//square - returns a square of its argument
// doublevar - the value to be squared
// returns the square of doublevar
double square(double doublevar)
retutrn doublevar * doublevar;

//sumSequence - add a sequence of numbers entered from
// the keyboard and squareduntil the
// user enters a negative number.
// return - the summation of the square
// of the numbers entered

int sumSequence(void)
//loop forever
int accumulator = 0;
for (;;)
//fetch another number
double doubleValue = 0;
cout << "Enter next number: ";
cin >> doubleValue;

// if it's negative...

if (doubleValue < 0)
//...then exit from the loop

//.. otherwise calculate the square
int value = (int)square(doubleValue);
//now add the square to the
accumulator= accumulator+ value;

int main(int arg, char* pszArgs[])
cout<<"This porgram sums miltiple series \n"
<<"of numbers. Terminate each sequence \n"
<<"by entering a negative number. \n"
<<"Terminate the series by entering two \n"
<<"negative numbers in a row. \n"

//continue to accumulate numbers...
int accumulateddoubleValue;
//sum a sequence of numbers entered from
//the keyboard
cout <<"\nEnter next sequence\n";
accumulateddoubleValue = sumSequence();

//now output the accumulated result
cout <<"\nThe total is: "

//...until the sum returned is 0
}while (accumulateddoubleValue != 0);
cout <<"Program terminated\n";
return 0;



I can't see anything wrong with it. Also cc gives me errors when i try to use it. GCC isn't in my /usr/bin folder and I definatley can't compile from PB when writing c++ (I did new project C++ file). How do I compile from PB? I'll tinker around a bit and see what I can do.

Thanx for the help.