can anybody help me? im curious on whether i should start learning Cocoa or C++ first, im going to use Xcode and if all else fails im planning on learning pything... Im 16 and i have always been in love with Game Lvl Design but recently ive been looking at jobs and they want people fluent in CPP (C++) and i also really want to try my hand at making apps for the ipod touch. (not planning on ever selling anything but i think it would be interesting and a good challenge). i guess in the end im not sure which to learn first, C++ or CoCoa because i hear Objective-c is not good enough although its pretty-much Cocoa so idk what to do. also do you know any free-sites to learn Cocoa? i have been studying to learn for free but im not sure if i should continue.
Oh yeah, on a side note im also learning Linux as well, i haven't really started yet but im prepared to.
Oh yeah, on a side note im also learning Linux as well, i haven't really started yet but im prepared to.