Cable Modem and Belkin Gateway - Disconnected Often


Hi folks, I was hoping someone could help fix this annoying problem.

I have a Surfboard SB3100 Cable Modem and a Belkin 4port gateway (which is also used as a hub to fileshare, etc.) Every so often (somedays never in a day, sometimes every 10 minutes) the Cable Modem gets "disconnected" from the hub. If I log in to the hub and view the status page it says that the cable modem is disconnected even though all the lights on the cable modem are steady. When this happens, obviously, neither computer can access the internet. It happens under OS 9 and OS X so it's not an issue with the OS. I have to actually turn off the cable modem, and wait for it to connect again to use the internet... it kinda defeats the purpose of an always on connection.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
I don't have an immediate answer for your problem but I can report a similar issue with a Belkin product. I have a standard DSL connection and the Belkin DLS router/gateway running and after some time the download or upload gets incredibly slow. Sometime the connection stops altogether although the DLS modem and Belkin still communicate. Once I restart the Belkin full bandwidth access resumes.

The DLS modem by itself never had these issues. Maybe a good question for the Belkin Tech Support.
