calendar syncs with ppc and not intel using motorola razr.


Mac or bust
This is definitely weird. I have now two problems before I go batty.

1. Cannot sync calendar on Motorola Razr V3M. Under intel. Works fine using iBook G4.

2. With the idea that my version of iSync was somehow "fubared", I deleted it and as my luck usually is, THERE'S NO LINK ON APPLE'S SITE TO DOWNLOAD A FRESH COPY.

My question is, do I have to do an archive and install? And does anyone know if infact calendar sync to V3M is "broken" in isync 2.3 for intel.

At this point, any help would be great.
I think I've had my very first REAL senior moment at the ripe old age of 33.

Note to self and anyone else. DO NOT TRY TO USE ALL DAY EVENTS in the top field of ical. You will get the darn read-only error which took me too long to figure out. You can put events anywhere in there except under all-day.

And now for something completely different.......