All you forum pros! So much to respond to, so little time.
True, its all habit and personal opinion.
True, its not a 'what you can do versus what you can't do in each OS': all these OSes are pretty darn capable. What you can do on any computer today, makes computers 10 years ago look like a joke.
True, I have 4 Mac OS Xes in my life, and I like the OS, otherwise I wouldn't have bought that many. More importantly, my wife likes the OS-- sysadmin at home making sound technical decisions
True, I have a masochistic streak
True, our production computers and servers *never crash*. Small/Medium/Large its all relative, in my case Medium is 29 or so, Production workstations. 11 Servers (some live, some experimental) and one Mac OSX machine. Actually, now that you bring it up, i quite like the way OS X interoprates within our Windows/Linux/Solaris enviroment...
but i'll hold steadfast, General Electric with Tide, kicks all other washing-machine butt
All you forum pros! So much to respond to, so little time.
True, its all habit and personal opinion.
True, its not a 'what you can do versus what you can't do in each OS': all these OSes are pretty darn capable. What you can do on any computer today, makes computers 10 years ago look like a joke.
True, I have 4 Mac OS Xes in my life, and I like the OS, otherwise I wouldn't have bought that many. More importantly, my wife likes the OS-- sysadmin at home making sound technical decisions

True, I have a masochistic streak
True, our production computers and servers *never crash*. Small/Medium/Large its all relative, in my case Medium is 29 or so, Production workstations. 11 Servers (some live, some experimental) and one Mac OSX machine. Actually, now that you bring it up, i quite like the way OS X interoprates within our Windows/Linux/Solaris enviroment...
but i'll hold steadfast, General Electric with Tide, kicks all other washing-machine butt