Can AppleScript do this?


I am trying to get applescript to checck and see if there are any active network ports before it continues with the script. Does any when have any insight on if this is possible?

Background: The script I use connects to a server that i use to backup, and I use iCal to schedule when to run it. But the problem is I only want it to run the script if it is connected to a network. I hate error messages popping up.
I don't know a way to check for network ports - though there probably is one.

However, you could just use a try/error/end try structure instead. It might be simpler.
i have no real experience with applescript, but why not just try to ping the server you're accessing, if it succeeds, go ahead using the try/error/end method mentioned above. then if the OTHER machine is down, or your net(work) connection is broken/slow/cut off from that server, it wont go nuts.