Can HD(high definition video) be played/edited on mac book pro


Hi all, I am thinking about buying the mac book pro, have never owned a mac but very excited about it, my question is can the 15,4 inch mac book pro play high definition(HD) video, is the screen good enough and in the future i will be studying film and using Final cut, will i be able to edit HD films on this computer, thank you, cheers:) my main question is the screen good enough to watch HD.
I am not quite sure what you are asking. At any rate, the quality of the LCD panel in the MacBook Pro is far superior to the LCD panels used in HDTV monitors and TV sets. This is true of most computer displays. The pixel dimensions in the 15.4" MBP's display is 1440 x 900. It gives enough screen real estate to natively display 720p HD content. 1080p content must be scaled. However, the pixel-density of the display is so high that will scaling artifacts will not be visible. Like all Apple widescreen displays, the aspect ratio of the MBP's LCD panel is 16:10.

If you want to edit HD video the 15.4" display may be a bit cramped. If you want to watch HD video, it is more than adequate.
Thank you Mister Me, you have completely answered my question i understand your answer about 720p and 1080p because have been reading up on it, cheers,:) Thank you as well Helianimal, good to know the computer will be powerful enough :):)
To add to MisterMe's response:

The MBP allows you to attach an external monitor, so if you found the MBP's screen too small, you'd have options. To quote Apple's specs page:

Dual display and video mirroring: Simultaneously supports full native resolution on the built-in display and up to 2560 by 1600 pixels on an external display, both at millions of colors
The MacBook Pro is powerful and flexible enough so that you can use it like a desktop machine. It'd make a great HD workstation.
Thank you for the reply Makuro, that is good information as for my postgrad film degree i will be editing HD as well , so it is useful to know that i will be able to with ease, cheers:)