Can I access my webspace directory from Finder or even map it?

Red Bear

Hi, I am a newbie to Apple and everything that comes with it, but I sure like it ...
I don't have a .mac account but my ISP granted some webspace so I would like to "map" it in the Finder. Since I am coming from Windows, I have to relate to how it's working there. You can map a network drive, no matter if LAN or WAN (ftp server).
How can I achieve this in Finder? Probably simple and I would have rtfm but there is no fm. Shouldn't this be similar to how the iDisk is integrated in the finder? (And if it's possible, can I upload files to that directory per drag and drop, like in Windows?)

Any help appreciated, thanks.
If you enter your ftp information in Safari (example it will put an icon on your desktop, and will act as a remote folder. If you wanted to start your computer with this this enabled, you could write a simple AppleScript and throw it in your startup. Sorry, do not have time to write one really quick, on the end of my lunch, ill check in at next break and try. Good luck

Red Bear said:
Hi, I am a newbie to Apple and everything that comes with it, but I sure like it ...
I don't have a .mac account but my ISP granted some webspace so I would like to "map" it in the Finder. Since I am coming from Windows, I have to relate to how it's working there. You can map a network drive, no matter if LAN or WAN (ftp server).
How can I achieve this in Finder? Probably simple and I would have rtfm but there is no fm. Shouldn't this be similar to how the iDisk is integrated in the finder? (And if it's possible, can I upload files to that directory per drag and drop, like in Windows?)

Any help appreciated, thanks.
Once you have it mounted on the Desktop, drag it to the Accounts PreferencePane - Startup Items window and it should mount automatically when you startup.
Thanks a lot, I think it works. I tried with another ftp site which worked. But the webspace I want to access doesn't. I think my ISP does not support MACs. I will have to use a ftp client instead... or will try to sort it out with them. At least I know how it work in MACOSX.