Can I download/install Boot Camp separately?


i'm running OS 10.5.2 for reasons of compatibility with necessary music software and hardware.

i was using parallels but am going to switch to boot camp. one big problem: i don't see it on my drive. i'm guessing i stupidly deleted it thinking i'd never need it.

i was hoping there was a way i could just reinstall boot camp, but i can't see it or even any utilities offered separately on the 10.5.2 install disk.

is there a way to unpack it separately? or perhaps download it from apple?
i have that, so i tried it.

if i use the "open apple install packages" button, it pulls up another window that wants me to select disk 1 but won't go away even after i select and say OK.

if i use the regular "open package" button, the only package i can work with is the "install bundled software only" file. it made me shuffle discs 1 and 2 back and forth and eventually showed me a bunch of files. couldn't see boot camp as a separate part of the package install. the closest thing to it was a sub-package called "CPU_RegionalBoot".

anyone have any clues?
A friend found the following solution on the apple forums, and it worked:

Boot Camp package is on the Leopard Installation CD - just put the Install Disc 1 in, then in Finder, to to Go -> Go To Folder... and put

/Volumes/Mac OS X Install Disc 1/System/Installation/Packages

in the dialogue box. There you should see BootCamp.pkg. Running that with all the defaults puts the Boot Camp Assistant in /Applications/Utilities/

i couldn't see it because it was in the system folder, which is invisible unless you search for it through the GO command.