Can I make a 1st Gen airport base station act like a wireless adapter?


Colonel Panic
In a nutshell...

I currently have a nice Linksys 802.11 b/g connected to my cable modem.

I also have an old first-generation Airport Base station (single ethernet port).

I was thinking - wouldn't it be cool if I could connect the Airport Base station to the ethernet port of my videogame console in the bedroom, and use it like an adapter - a sort of BACKWARD 802.11-to-ethernet bridge?

Does anyone know if this is possible, or how?
Funny, just from reading the thread title I was going to point out that if you open up the original Airport Base Station, you'll find an Airport card inside it. Seems Apple were wise enough to know there was no point in producing the same circuitry several times.

Of course, that doesn't help in this case.
I, too, am really interested in this usage for an airport base station... hmm... you'd think it wouldn't be too hard, but as easy as it is to turn a computer from a client into a router, it's difficult to turn a router into a client... go fig.