Can I make the dock more transparent?

Calm down guys.. firstly, i need to do some serious stuff and then ... Hilleglass and other stuff are ... books that make me wonder how many orgasms does an *X geek get reading that before the page 383..!! :p

I'll do that once i know how .. [and the proxy thing, and some other things i need but which remain in my head so far..]
i wasn't getting excited, per your inferrence, i was just letting you know that a cocoa book is a waste of money unless you know object oriented programming and C.

just trying to help.
Yes, programming ... and _computers_ generally are waste of time ... and money. I shoul just finish a program that i never will use but that i get paid for and forget learning anything else? Perfect..
I think this will get you pretty close (using a combination of two effects).
*Clear Dock (from Unsanity)
*Transparent Dock (from Free Range Mac)
*TinkerTool (from Marcel Bresink Software-Systeme)


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Originally posted by Giaguara
Yes, programming ... and _computers_ generally are waste of time ... and money. I shoul just finish a program that i never will use but that i get paid for and forget learning anything else? Perfect..

huh? i'm not saying that at all. i'm just saying learn C and Java before trying to tackle Cocoa, otherwise you'll be lost. i'm all for another person learning Cocoa. it's a great programming language (although the objective C syntax can be confusing sometimes).
are you even reading what i'm saying? nowhere did i say 'don't learn cocoa' or 'don't buy this book, it's a waste of money'. i'm just saying 'learn objective programming C before cocoa, or it will be hard'.
Like looking for the material would not have me made see whether it's complicated or not then? Btw, the last two nights i've seen my dreams in code.. in objective-c. I don't have a photgraphic memory to remember hundreds or thouands of lines of code to rewrite them once awake to see whether that worked at all .. [need a break, now]