Can I reuse MacOS X?


My mother bought OSX, or has the software for it.
It's installed on her iBook, but can I reinstall it on my iMac, while it's still on her laptop?
You would be violating the end-user license agreement, which, as dlloyd said, is against the law. I would advise against doing so, and instead support a good company like Apple by shelling out $129 for a legal, retail version.
Apple has long relied on the honesty and integrity of their users not to violate the End User License Agreement which, with the exception of the "family pack," limits installation of its software to a single CPU. However, I am confident that if enough users prove to Apple their trust is misplaced they will be forced into using more draconian measures to limit the number of installations.

Hopefully you will choose to honor Apple's trust in their users by purchasing your own copy of Panther for installation on your iMac. ::angel::
I did use a copy of the Jaguar that came with my iBook on the iMac for awhile, but that was under the understanding that I would buy the Panther family pack, when it was released. I have done so, so Apple better not try to sue me :D
With the recent annoucement that Tiger will be released next month, I'd plan on purchasing a family pack of 10.4 next month. Then both you and Your Mum can have Tiger.
If Tiger follows the Jaguar and Panther patterns look for it to hit the shelves in mid to late fourth quarter this year. It will be September at the very earliest. Anyone who buys a Mac or Panther before the actual shipping date is announced should expect to pay the full $129 upgrade price. After the shipping date is announced anyone purchasing a new Mac or Panther will probably be eligible for a $29 upgrade CD, but that will not be a full install version and IMHO those are nasty.