Can I sample my voice using Logic Pro 7?


I can't find any information about Sampling with Logic Pro 7 anywhere. I have the full version of Logic Pro 7, and I've been amazed at what it can do. I've done a lot with it so far, but now I'm wondering about sampling. Can I sample my own voice for instance, record me singing the words " La La Bamba", and using my MIDI Keyboard to play that audio sample on let's say the "C" key of the keyboard? I basically want to record a few notes of me singing, and map it to the keys on the keyboard so I can play with my own voice in Logic. I know alittle about the EXS Sampler in Logic, and I've played with it. There is default vocal instrument of a female singing, so I know it's possible, but how can I do it? Is Logic not enough? Is there another piece of software I have to buy to be able to sample my own voice and play it on the keyboard through Logic Pro 7? Or, perhaps tutorials I can get somewhere to show me how to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.