can i use ibook closed or not?


i just bought an ibook g4 and i gladly dropped my old PC out my 4th story window to see how far i could make the pieces smash all over the side of the street. however, im trying to connect my external monitor with my ibook closed. it says to close the ibook, wait until it sleeps, and then press any key on the external keyboard or mouse to wake it up when i do this, it makes a funny noise, wakes up on my external monitor and then goes back to sleep within about 5 seconds. if i move the mouse again it repeats this. ive read something about the ibook not being able to cool off, but come on dog, thats mad lame and depressing, i mean can apple grow some balls? but if that really is the case i want to get some closure on the situation.
Even if you find some way to work around the fact that it won't run while closed, I wouldn't recommend running it while closed.

No matter what anyone tells you, laptops will generally overheat after a long time when run while closed. The Dell laptops at my work are notorius for melting after being left on for days in their docking stations and these laptops are supposed to be able to run that way.

Unless you like taking chances with $1000 + equipment, don't do it.
hi storrow.. well, ill try to explain my best... I DO NOT RECOMEND USING YOUR IBOOK ON A CLOSED LID MODE... but, there is a way to make the clamshell function work, and some other functions too...
The spanning doctor app will unlock some of the functions that where locked in the ibook (such as video spanning).. but please.. i dont encourge you to use this... just read it, and be aware of the consecuences ... running this program on your ibook will ruin your warranty!!! good luck with the reading.. and inform yourself before doing something st*pid
PD: i used the spanning monitor in my ibook and works great, but i didnt run the clamshell function