Can "iMac Computer" Finder icon be changed to G4 Cube??


I own a nice G4 Cube and would rather have the Finder "Computer" icon be a Cube rather than an iMac icon. Can this be changed to other icons. I also have a PowerBook that needs its own icon. I like the iMac but prefer to click on the Cube or PowerBook versus a iMac when I want to get back to that level of the directory.

Thanks in advance!!

Could you just hit command-i while the Computer window was open? I haven't actualy tried this because i don't have a 128x128 iBook icon... I would like to know if it works.
I tried this but it did not work. You can copy the iMac icon and use it to paste into another file but it would not allow me to paste a cube icon I found to replace the iMac icon. Paste does not come up as an option and is greyed out. Just copy is an option.


First, search this guy's page as he has a few killer icons for your new toolbar:

Second, I think I can help here, the icons reside in this directory:


Good Luck and show us your results!


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That guy's got the most idiotic and annoying website I've seen in a long time. Worse than <blink>.

I see the finder.icn file you are probably referring to but what do we do from here. Once we get to the directory you mentioned, what next....

And yes, to the other replier, that web site is poop. Maybe I am not artistic enough but I was lost on this web site right away and it has no flow to it. I was ready to leave within a few minutes and could not find anything of help there.

You know I did say "search this guy's page" for a reason. I like it because it doesn't follow normal conventions. So what? It wasn't made to be accessible to the point you can drop in and out... Take a minute to look at something not related directly to the task at hand.

In any case, now that you have found the file to replace drop a replacement icon in there. Back up the originals of course; and it isn't a cut-and-paste operation. You need to actually create a .icns file using a program, I think that Graphic Converter and the Photoshop plugin from does it.

And of course if you are just too lazy or truly do have a one-track mind you could always download the replacements below.

(don't take it too hard, i'm just rubbin' ya.)


Even if no one likes his site I am gonna give you his other contribution to the Mac OS X community.

And if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, OK? Or at least don't be derogatory about it. I mean we're supposed to be helping one another here right?

*NOTE: Elemental Aqua isn't the name he gave, it was just a disk image named "icns.img" so I took the liberty of renaming.


All right. So you like his site, and I don't. That doesn't diminish his excellent work. My apologies.

I expected Apple to have that icon change automatically for the release of X. And I am still suprised to see the my iBook computer was represented by a the desktop model.

I know there are interface rules that say icons should be consistent across applications and computers but I spent seventeen hundred bucks on an iBook - not a deskop!

Please don't take this the wrong way, I'm not trying to be rude, but...

If everyone will read through the (40)page booklet that came with OS X, it clearly states that the icon for 'computer' will not change in OS X. It changes in OS 9.1, though.

I forget where it is in the book, I think it's the end with troubleshooting. I don't have it with my right now, so I apologize for not being able to give a page number.

I had the same problem. I have a Cube and wanted to change my icon to a nice Cube icon I got from But it wouldn't work. I eventually changed my 'home' icon to the Cube, becasue as a single user with one hard drive, I never really go all the way to the top level of the directory structure. I rarely even go to my home folder, since I have my toolbar customized to take me to my most used folders. Then to top it off, I changed my Finder toolbars from 'icon only' to 'text only', and I never see the icon anyway.

Originally posted by pbrice
If everyone will read through the (40)page booklet that came with OS X, it clearly states that the icon for 'computer' will not change in OS X. It changes in OS 9.1, though.

I forget where it is in the book, I think it's the end with troubleshooting. I don't have it with my right now, so I apologize for not being able to give a page number.

That's OK cause we probably didn't get the same manual that you did. Mine has only 30 pages and mentions nothing about the icons not being able to be changed, in OS X or OS 9.1.

Actually I think it can be changed... Or didn't do something correctly and got more freedom with my install than you did, pbrice. Check out the picture of my window below, it shows the "unix_minimal" set installed in my machine.

And I don't mean to be rude either. I am just on a rampage today...

Oh, thanks for your apology, Rob. Most people don't have the guts. Seriously: Thanks.


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I have made my own B/W icon for Computer

I made it with a program called Icon Composer, that happened to be on my drive. I think it is installed with the Dev-tools.

Just open this program and take a 32x32 picture and drop it in the apropiate Icon category.
There are Icons for 16x16, 32x32 and the 128x128, that you can put in such a .icns file, for the Icons in the bar, you need the 32x32 ones. on the right of the Icon, you can add a 1bit (Black/White) graphic that specifies the hit-area of your Icon.
Then save the file with the apropiate name (i.e. computer.icns), and copy it to the folder glowurm mentioned earlier (I did this via Terminal with sudo cp)
Picture of my Iconbar

I also made myself a nice bootpanel, by replacing the file
/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemStarter/QuartzDisplay.bundle/Resources/BootPanel.pdf with my own.

The Loginpanel is located in /System/Library/CoreServices/loginwindow/Resources/loginpanel.tiff, btw


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