Can not Run MSN Messenger, aMSN, Adium, or MSN Web Messenger


I think i have a fairly unique problem...

I had installed Messenger for Mac 7, and it worked fine for a few days. After that, when i launched it, it would hang, and show me the color wheel. I would have to force quit in order to close it. That was fine, however when i tried an MSN clone (aMSN), i got the same thing, hang, color wheel, and eventually force quit. Fine, i thought. I will try Adium. SAME THING! AND.... Get this.... I tried to use Web Messenger, and it hung Safari, resulting in a force quit. I have not been able to find any topics relating to this specific problem. Coming from a Windows background, I can only assume, in Windows terms, that a service is not starting, and hanging my apps. Or that MSN hates Mac users. LOL

Any help would be appreciated!

You are not unique in that . . .

. . .

. . . wait for it . . .


Helps to know whether or not a program will run properly on your computer and system.

Now, have you tried repairing permissions?

Burn! Haha Thought of that after the fact.... I have an iMac 2.4 GHZ Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram, OS X 10.5.5. I have not tried repairing permissions, as i don't know how. Still new to the Mac. I did however, turn off network blocking in Little Snitch, and it allowed me to open Adium. For how long, remains to be seen. I don't know if it had anything to do with the problem or not.
Little Snitch--which I have--should give you the option to allow MS-Messenger--which I also have--to communicate through whatever port it asks. If it is NOT doing that, check to make sure you did not inadvertently deny access to the internet.

Since you are new to Mac, I recommend looking up Pogue's books--Missing Manual, Switching to Mac--for great overviews of the OS.

Now, the usual way to repair permissions is to restart on your installation disk, run Disk Utility, and repair permissions . . . which takes a long time in OS X 10.5.5.

However, I suspect you have not done any maintenance. So I would suggest you get the freeware Onyx which will run the maintenance scripts including permission repair, or the shareware Cocktail which will do the same thing, but you can grade the amount of maintenance. In fact, I would try checking the Little Snitch rules, running Onyx, and see if that solves the problem.

"Messenger for Mac 7"--interesting, mine is only 6.0.3 . . . guess I need to update! :)

I just peeked through the rules i had set up, and Adium (I think i like it better than MSN) was not there. I created a rule to allow it on any port. Perhaps that was the issue to begin with?
Little Snitch should alert you that Adium wants to communicate on such-and-such port and give you the option to allow it, deny it, and for what time period--one time, until quit, forever.

The 2.0b seems to work well! :)

It will make you restart the computer. Gurus here recommend "double restart" to rebuild both the start-up and shut-down caches.

Agree. Slick program! Reminds me Tune Up Utilities for Windows. I think you've solved my problem! Not only that, In Finder, The file size is now being displayed where before there was only a double-dash ( -- ).