Can’t get iTunes 11.3.1 MiniPlayer


The new iTunes update fills my entire 27” screen. The red, amber, and green buttons are not visible, and the lower right-hand corner is not available, so I can’t reduce the window size. Even more provoking is the Window menu, where the Minimize and MiniPlayer options are disabled.

The only options I have is a full-screen iTunes window or no iTunes window at all with the F3 key.

How do I get my MiniPlayer back?

iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Try the keys: Control, Command, M (held down at the same time).

To get out of full screen: ^, command, f
(The carrot is Shift and 6)
Also, if you move your mouse to the top right edge of your screen, you should see that blue "back to non-fullscreen" widget. Afterwards, it should be as you knew it, more or less.

(In Yosemite, it'll be different, though.)