Can widgets be sticky?


Can I set a widget to stay open on top of applications without having all widgets open?

I've got a stopwatch widget that I use for timing scripts and it would be nice to have it open on top of my script without graying out the script.

There are plenty of other freeware stopwatchs, indeed, but I kind of like the widgets approach.
To activate a Sticky widget:
  1. Open Dashboard using whatever key combo you have assigned to the task. On my Macs it is F12.
  2. Click on the Plus sign (+) to bring up the Widget selection bar
  3. Click on the Widget you want to be sticky and drag it to a location on the desktop DO NOT RELEASE THE MOUSE BUTTON
  4. Click on the Dashboard activator key a second time to close the Dashboard
  5. Release the mouse button
To deactivate a sticky Widget
  • Open the Dashboard by any means you care to use
  • Click on the plus sign (+) to turn on the little "kill" buttons that close the Widgets.
  • Click on the X of the sticky Widget and it disappears