Cannot get an internet connection. Please Help


I've been trying everything to get my new imac to connect to my wireless router. I got it to work the first few days I had it, but now it just won't connect. I've tried turning the router off and on, resetting the router, manually entering an IP address, etc.

If I try to automatically assign an IP it gives me a self assigned address, and won't connect.
If I manually enter an IP it connects and the airport has the green dot and says "airport connected to the network X. You are connected to the Internet via AirPort."

But no matter what I do Safari still says I'm not connected.
I've gone through all of the router's setup, and it works, I'm using it right now on my roommates PC.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I've checked those. They seem to be fine.

I was wondering if maybe the mac is having a problem in pinging for the IP. I was able to get internet just fine. Then connected directly to my old PC to get pix and whatnot. Then when i tried to go back to the internet, it wouldn't work. And that's whever i've been ever since.