Cannot Highlight And Copy Or Drag


I have lost the ability to highlight and right click-copy and paste, or highlight and drag to new position, in both the MS Word and Safari and other programs.

running OSX Tiger on Mac Mini. Have had no problems until yesterday and today.

Anyone knows why this is and what I can look for?

Click the following link to open the AppleScript in Script Editor, then press the green "Play" button to execute it. It will show you the file you should move to the Trash. Then restart your Mac.

--Open this script in a new Script Editor window.

set uid_ to do shell script "/usr/bin/id -u"

set ls_cache_file_ to "" & uid_ & ".csstore" as string

set ls_cache_file_ to alias ls_cache_file_
on error
display dialog "Sorry, could not locate Launch Services cache file" default button 2
end try

tell application "Finder"
set window_ to make new Finder window to ls_cache_file_
display dialog "Move the selected file to the Trash and then restart your Mac."
end tell