cannot install OSX on MB Pro


originally posted on OCN, but nobody seemed to be able to help.

so i have a macbook pro model A1286 (top end i7 version) and it had backtrack 7 installed on it for about 6 months as the only OS. I am trying to put Mac OSX back onto the laptop but it hangs when loading from the dvd. when i put the dvd in, the boot menu shows the dvd and i click it and it just sits... and sits... and sits. I am trying to load from the Mac OSX install discs that came with the laptop.

looking for any suggestions or solutions to get this back up and running with OSX.

If I interpret you correctly, you are attempting to install from the existing running system (have no idea what "backtrack 7" is).

Insert your system disk (as far as possible) when your MBP is off. Hold down the 'C' key, start up the MBP, and if the DVD doesn't get 'powered in, help it after the start. Keep holding the 'C' key until the disk is loading--you will hear your DVD drive spinning and 'clicking'. From there on, it should be self explanatory.
no luck.

for clarification, the cd is grey with a white ring around it. Its has the apple logo on top. on the left side it says MacBook Pro Mac OS X Install Disc 1. on the bottom it says Mac OS version 10.5, AHT versino 3A137, Disc Version 1.0. Im guessing this is the correct disc. On both macbook pro laptops when inserting this dvd (and i have 3 copies of them, one for each macbook pro in the office), it hangs on all the laptops. every dvd hangs on every macbook. the other two macbooks have OSX copies on them. Is there something im doing wrong or missing? I was able to install windows 7 on the macbook in question just fine, so i know that the dvd player works and will load a install disc, but it will NOT take a macbook pro Mac OS X install disc for whatever reason.

Any further suggestions or troubleshooting to help me get OS X on this macbook?

^ post made before Sgilbert, will report back after trying his suggestions.
held down the C key for a good 3 minutes after inserting the dvd. just sits at a white screen. the dvd sounded to start to spin up, but never fully sounds to spin up.

for the record, backtrack is a network security package (see: white hat hacking) distro of linux. i have since removed it and now have windows 7 on it running fine (did so to make sure the dvd drive was not bad, so i know the dvd drive can read and install a OS just fine).

Holding down C while inserting the disc when powering it on just puts it at a white screen with no logo or text. it appears to have hung up.
got a copy of Lion and burned the .iso. ran just fine. im so confused as to why snow leopard wouldnt run but lion would....
The older installer that you mentioned was 10.5 (Leopard, not Snow Leopard), which would be too old for any i7 macBook Pro.
The oldest MacBook Pro with an i7 would require Snow Leopard, and at least version 10.6.3
The _latest_ 10.6 version available on a commercial OS X installer DVD would be 10.6.3 - which would also likely not install an i7 MacBook Pro, because any of those would require a newer build of 10.6.3, different from the build that comes on the commercial DVD.
SO, the only version that would work for Snow Leopard would be the DVD that came with the MacBook Pro originally. If you see 10.6.3 or higher on the DVD label, and you believe it's the original DVD, then that's likely correct. And, of course, Lion would work, and is a good choice, I think....