Cannot Unmount Disk Images


Hi folks,

Quite a simple problem. After downloading a .dmg file to install software or putting in a USB Memory Stick etc I cannot unmount the images from my desktop!

They just stay there. The same is true for ftp servers I am connected to, I cannot get rid if them in the normal way. Only a restart works!

MacOS does NOT give any error messages (such as file in use etc) after attempting to umount the images (apple + e), it is eerily silent, as if it thinks it's worked.... stange this one...

If you double-click a dmg file it creates a white "hard drive" icon on the desk top. To get rid of this icon, ensure that anything inside it is not running or in use and then drag it to the trash.

Note: you should not run anything from a disc image (other than an installer). Most disc images contain an application which you simply drag to your Applications folder. Running an application from inside a disc image is likely to slow down your Mac considerably and could have other undesirable results!

Once you've installed an Application, drag the disc image icon to the trash then make a copy of the dmg file on CD in case you need it again. Then drag the dmg file to the trash and empty the trash from the Finder menu.

Thanks for the advice there, this is what I already did.I actually think this could be a bug? What do people think....?

When you select the disc image and press cmd E, what do you see?
Failure to "eject" is normally a sign that something in the disc image is still in use.