Canon Printer not printing


I have a Canon i9900 Printer connected to my powerbook G4 running OS X 10.4.6, i recently tried to print some photos out and it would not print anything out on the paper at all. I downloaded the newest driver for OS X on Canon's website and still not working. I check the print heads and all that as well. Still nothing is coming out.

My only thought is that the ink may have dried out seeing that i haven't used the printer in a month (it is for school projects/photography) but when I checked the ink levels by removing the cartidges it was fine, there was ink in them.

When i try to print the printer moves and does everything but it doesnt look like any ink is coming out at all.
If the print head moves in response to a job sent to it, then you can rest assured that your software is OK. It is likely that your ink nozzles are clogged. You may try to clean them with alcohol and a Q-Tip. But, I am betting dollars against donuts that you need new ink cartridges.
cleaned the nozzles of the print head, still no avail. I guess I need to get new carts for it. Which is weird because the ink is still liquid in each of the carts (none of it has actually dried out)

I just also did a Nozzle check print and it did not print anything at all. I even removed all the carts and cleaned them with a q-tip and some water as well. Still nothing.

If i do need Ink (which is probably true) where would the best place to buy it online? I was thinking because no store around me (other than B&H Photovideo in NYC) sells this printer
RGrphc2 said:
... I even removed all the carts and cleaned them with a q-tip and some water ....
Water?! Tell me that this is a typo. Tell me that you didn't use water, please. Please tell me that you know better than anyone that water and electricity are not a good combination. Please?
i cleaned the carts this printer has 8 ink carts sitting in where the electrical contacts are so you can replace specific colors as you need to. its really hard to explain if you have never seen this printer