Canon XL1S camcorder compatability with


Hi there

I can't seem to capture images from a Canon XL1S camera to my Macbook Pro running Leopard via FireWire. Looked at a few forums. Is it really not compatable with the Mac at all? There don't seem to be any drivers available Anyway I thought FireWire just "worked"?

Kind regards


I can't seem to capture images from a Canon XL1S camera to my Macbook Pro running Leopard via FireWire. ... Anyway I thought FireWire just "worked"?

Canon does not provide MacOS X drivers for the XL-1s because it does "just work." Which application are you attempting to use to capture video from the camcorder?
I too am experiencing difficulty in making a connection with my canon xl1s to my MacBook Pro via firewire. I am using leopard and simply trying to have iMovie recognize the device. I get no response from the laptop. I have tested the firewire with an alternative laptop(windows based) and the camera is recognized.