Can't access localhost unless connected to my ISP


I just upgraded to 10.1.1. I did a clean install of 10.1 first. I'm using an original i-book with 190 mb of ram. I then installed MySQL 3.23.44 from binary. I uncommented php to have it run then restarted. Accessing local host went fine until I disconnected the ibook from my cable modem. I got a couldn't connect message. Plug in the modem and I can access localhost again.

I think this might be related:
PHP ran fine (when connected to the modem) but MySQL gives me this error message: Warning: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) in /Library/WebServer/Documents/php/sql_connect.php on line 2

How do I set up apache so I can connect directly to localhost?

TIA, michael
That got me pointed in the right direction. I changed my ethernet connection to and the subnet to in the network settings and can now connect to localhost. I still need to change settings between local and internet each time I want to connect to localhost (and not connected to my cable modem) but at least can use my ibook for development.
best, michael