cant delete 10.2.6 update files from my computer


hey guys ,
I just upgraded to mac jaguar, and was in the process of downloading the updates for 10.2.6, but everytime I finished d/l the files i recieved an error when i tried to open them. So I tried d/l again and got the same message.
I finally successfully d/l the 10.2.6 update from another computer and burned it on a CD, but the problem is that i have 4 different update files (64 mb each) on my mac that I cant delete.
When I try to move the files into the trash, I get a message saying " the item MACOSX UPDATE is being used by another task right now. Try again when the task is complete." But the darn task never completes.

Please help!!! :(
are you familiar with terminal commands? If so, simply open the terminal and browse to the folder where they are (use 'cd'). When you find yourself in the folder, simply remove ('rm') those files. Et voilà! ;)
Good luck!
Open the terminal and type:

cd ~/.Trash
<hit return>

sudo rm -rf

put a space after the f and drag the item you want deleted to the terminal so that its path is automatically entered, then press return

give it your admin password and hit return