Can't find print queue after downgrading from 10.5 to 10.4


I did an "archive and install" to replace 10.5 with 10.4 and now want to print the "Laserwriter 8500" jobs that were still in the queue before my downshifting.

The jobs no longer show in the Laserwriter 8500 print queue that now appears in 10.4.

I found what I believe was the LaserWriter app instantiation (LaserWriter 8500-11) last operative under 10.5, in the archived system folder. But when I click on that, it appears in the Dock for a few seconds but then disappears.

How can I get the "Laserwriter" application to properly open and access the old queue?

Thoughts, anyone?

Problem solved -- FYI, found the files in private/var/spool/cups in the Previous Systems folder; logged in as root and transferred them to my G5; opened in Acrobat and printed from there.