Can't get bloody MacPorts to install


This is quite frustrating.

I downloaded the source straight from the horse's mouth. I did the necessary hokus pokus in order to configure it and compile it:
% ./configure && make
Then the install...
% sudo make install
Everything was as it should, then I modified the .zsh_profile file in order to insert to modify the PATH and it looks as it does below:

if [ -e ~/.zshrc ]; then
    source ~/.zshrc

export PATH=/opt/local/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/opt/local/sbin:$PATH

I start up a new shell and try running it:
% sudo port -v selfupdate
sudo: port: command not found

Didn't work, bloody hell. So I went back to here and downloaded the dmg file. I install it just like the installer orders me to. No indication whatsoever that the install somehow has not gone as it should.

Now, here's what happens when I try to run MacPorts on the console:
% sudo port -v selfupdate
sudo: port: command not found


What am I doing wrong? I poked around their website but didn't find anything that could help me. Thoughts?
I'm by no means an aficionado of British English usage, but I think one of the things you're doing wrong is using a word like "bloody" which many persons regard as very offensive. I hope you don't think I'm being too prudish. Indeed I regard our American love affair with a word like "freaking" equally offensive.
Before you tried installing with the dmg did you completely remove all instances of Macports? I'm not really a big shell guy but that would be my first guess since your seeing the same problem in both situations.
I'm by no means an aficionado of British English usage, but I think one of the things you're doing wrong is using a word like "bloody" which many persons regard as very offensive. I hope you don't think I'm being too prudish. Indeed I regard our American love affair with a word like "freaking" equally offensive.
Oops, didn't know. Sorry :) .
Before you tried installing with the dmg did you completely remove all instances of Macports? I'm not really a big shell guy but that would be my first guess since your seeing the same problem in both situations.

No, I did not. I've figured out what the problem is. I was using the wrong syntax for Z-shell and my .zshenv file was not created..