Can't install dmg files

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Tech-Bot 5000
Howdy. Long time Volunteer here first time poster. No, just kidding. :) I'm an old timer here!

Anyway, here's the sitch. Just upgraded my OS X to 10.4.9 from 10.3. Did not wipe and install, just updated the op sys. Anyway, since then I can't install any dmg files; basically free apps like TinkerTool. I get this error:

error 0xe00002c9

Why?! Is there a way to fix this? I've repaired permissions. I've done fsck -fy. I've rebooted. I'm practically a mac expert. This one is stumping me (and pissing me off!)

Any help appreciated.
I just upgraded. :) Thanks for the zip link!

I'm at 10.4.11 and I'm skipping Leopard for a while.
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Is there a zip that isn't a Universal file? I need one that works on a non Intel mac...Titanium Powerbook 15" G4...
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