Glenn Tiffert
I can't boot the OS X beta installer cd on my beige G3. booting with "C" held down only gets me the blinking question mark and then a white screen with the words "no bootable HFS partition" repeating across the screen.
the only way out of this is to force a reboot and zap my PRAM. the computer then goes to my internal HD as usual, boots up OS 9 and everything is fine.
i have an orangemicro ultra scsi PCI card installed which i am sure is well terminated.
my IDE buses are set up as follows:
bus 0: internal HD (master), internal CD-rom (slave)
bus 1: internal HD (master)
if i understand the documentation correctly, none of this should pose a problem.
before i open up my case and start flipping jumpers and pulling PCI cards, does anyone have any insight?