Can't install Xfree86 from CD-ROM


Recently I got a CD-ROM with a lot of GNU programs and utilities which were packaged using Apple's packager and should be installable using Apple's installer. This was put together by "The GNU MacOS X Public Archive", . I installed the Xfree86 package, and the rootless XDarwin patch, however, the X server dies right after starting. I also installed bash, but I can't get it to read my .bashrc file in my home directory.

Has anyone else used these packages? Has anyone had success installing these? Is there something missing from them? Anyone know how to contact the people who put it together?


Your X Windows problem is quite common, different solutions to that problems are ducumented at The package you used was made via the fink system (they ripped it of them I think :mad: ) so their documentation is quite valuable.

For your bash problem you should read the readme in /usr/share/init/bash . Perhaps you have just to create the files like described there: If you have that already start bash in interactive mode (bash -i in Terminal Preferences).
you just got ripped off.

unless you have a severe bandwidth problem, you just paid hard-earned cash for otherwise free software.

All of the "real" organizations out there who can make money from Opensource software... have extensive support networks and resources.

what's more, they are one of the main offenders of ripping off the fink installation techniques and not even bothering to give credit where credit is due.

seems that they could have at least made a install script that put things into a good situation that worked as a default.

a freeX86 installation is something worth paying for if it installs and works right away like any of the successful linux distributions.

anyway, try looking at the preferences before clicking the button to start Xdarwin.

you need to set the keymap file manually.
suggest you take a look at the 'fink mailing list archives'.

Yours is a common problem that appears quite often when people install software from greedy bastards who ripped fink.

I will head off to MacOS Hints, and download an excellent tutorial on how to install XFree86, XDarwin, Gimp and Windomaker and after, install Fink and anything that will be useful to you.

Fink is one of the best programs available for MacOS X ...and it's free.
